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Getting started with TAU

This is a short guide to using TAU. Download both PDT and TAU.

%> tar -xzf pdtoolkit-3.11
%> cd pdtoolkit
%> ./configure
%> make all install
%> cd ..
%> tar -xzf tau2.16.5
%> cd tau2
%> ./configure -pdt=[PDT directory] -mpiinc=[MPI include] -mpilib=[MPI library]
%> make clean install

This a basic configuration of TAU, there are many more options. TAU executables are placed in a directory based on your platform like x86_64 (replace this with your own platform). Let us add the bin directory to our path.

%> export PATH=[path to tau2]/tau2/x86_64/bin:$PATH

We can use TAU's compiler scripts which automatically link-in TAU's instrumentation libraries as well as the MPI libraries. But first we need to tell TAU which instrumentation library to use, we do this by setting the TAU_MAKEFILE environment variable. If you would like to set some options you can use the TAU_OPTIONS environment variable.

%> export TAU_MAKEFILE=[path to tau2]/tau2/x86_64/lib/Makefile.tau-mpi-pdt
%> -c foo.cpp -o foo.o
%> foo.o -o foo
%> mpirun -np 4 ./foo

If you run into any linker errors make sure that TAU is being built with the same compilers as your mpi implementation. Use the -cc=, -c++= and fortran= compiler options, Like to use Intel's compilers type:

%> ./configure -pdt=[PDT directory] -mpiinc=[MPI include] -mpilib=[MPI library] \
   -cc=icc -c++=icpc -fortran=intel
%> make clean install

Afterwards we can view the performance data by using pprof:

%> pprof