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= Instructions on how to build the TAU's MAC OS X distribution. =
= Simple use =
./build_dmg.sh  ~/tau-2.22.2.tgz 2.22.2
This will create a new tau-2.22.2.dmg in this directory.
== What this script actually does ==
This script will take a gzipped tarball, uncompress, configure and build TAU
for the apple platform (PPC and Intel). It then takes this build of TAU and
places it in /Applications/TAU/tau where all the Apple Apps. (ParaProf.app
etc...) expect it to be. /Applications/TAU is then copied to a preallocated disk
image which is compressed and written out to the file system as a *.dmg file.
!WARNING! This script uses /Applications/TAU as a staging area, files present in
this directory could be lost.
!CAUTION! This script uses a preallocated disk partition of size 500MB. If in
the future TAU's distribution exceeds this size a new partition will need to be
created. This can be done with Apple's disk image utility. You will want to
create a larger sparse disk image to replace this one:
== How the installation works ==
The finished directory structure should look like this:
  / Applications / TAU /
                      tau /
The only thing that changes between releases of TAU is the 'tau' directory
everything remains unchanged. Jumpshop, ParaProf, PerfDMF_Configure,
PerfExplorer, PerfExplorer_Configure are Mac native applications and are basicly
wrappers for the shell scripts used under linux.
inital_setup.sh is run each time one of these applications is run, it checks for the
presence of 'inital_setup' if found it asks the user if the MAC shell path should be
modified, then removes the 'inital_setup' file (this it only ask the first time
someone launches an application).
set_path.sh modifies the user's shell path to add the TAU binary directory to

Revision as of 01:42, 7 March 2014